Bite Me! Cookie 2-Pack
Bite Me! Cookie 2-Pack

Bite Me! Cookie 2-Pack

Regular price $12.50 $10.00 Unit price per

The Original: A unique crunchy cookie packed with seeds, oats and raisins — kind of like eating something healthy, in the shape of a cookie. Known to be the perfect snack or pick-me-up, with some added protein to get you moving.

AN INGREDIENT LIST TO BE PROUD OF: Oats, Organic Spelt Flour, Unrefined Cane Sugar, Pure Sunflower Oil, Raisins, Sunflower Seeds, Brown Sesame Seeds, Cinnamon, Baking Soda, Sea Salt.
UNE LISTE D’INGREDIENTS QUI NOUS REND FIER: Flocons d’avoine, farine d’épautre biologique, sucre de canne non-raffiné, huile de tournesol pure, raisins secs, graines de tournesol, graines de sésame brunes, cannelle, bicarbonate de soude, sel de mer.